২৭ মার্চ, ১৯৭১

২৭ মার্চ, ১৯৭১
In the morning temporarily curfew is removed and the foreign journalists staying in Hotel intercontinental are removed and escorted to the Airport amidst tight security. In a special aircraft they are forced to abort Dhaka. However sneaking from the view of the military two of them manage to escape and stay back in Dhaka amidst grave danger. They are Simon Dring of the Daily Telegraph and AFP photographer Michelle.

২৭ মার্চ, ১৯৭১
27th March 1971
- In the morning temporarily curfew is removed and the foreign journalists staying in Hotel intercontinental are removed and escorted to the Airport amidst tight security. In a special aircraft they are forced to abort Dhaka. However sneaking from the view of the military two of them manage to escape and stay back in Dhaka amidst grave danger. They are Simon Dring of the Daily Telegraph and AFP photographer Michelle.
- Throughout the city the remnants of many lifeless bodies are seen scattered- a stark reminder of the atrocities by the Pakistan military.
- On the other side of Buriganga in Jinjira the Freedom fighters continued to gather together.
- As soon as the curfew is lifted, groups of people leave Dhaka city for a safer places.
- Resistance begins in Chittagong city and in different areas. Intense fighting breaks out among the Pakistan military and the freedom fighters.