১৩ মার্চ, ১৯৭১

১৩ মার্চ, ১৯৭১
Army/Military authorities enact 115 no. army order ordering all employed civilians to join the defence ministry by 10am, 15th of March. In this order, it is specified that if anyone failed to do so, they would be fired from the job and would be termed as fugitives, and court-martialed

১৩ মার্চ, ১৯৭১
13th March, 1971
- Army/Military authorities enact 115 no. army order ordering all employed civilians to join the defence ministry by 10am, 15th of March. In this order, it is specified that if anyone failed to do so, they would be fired from the job and would be termed as fugitives, and court-martialed
- Right after this army/martial is ordered, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman gives a statement saying where People of Bangladesh are fighting against military rule, such statements are simply nothing but a provocation for people
- Eminent artist Jainul Abedin and former National Committee member give up the title and prize honored to them by Pakistan government.
- Former National committee member Afazuddin Fakir in a statement “Letter of Authority” urges the President Yahya Khan to hand over power. He asks that the defense ministry of the east be coordinated by a Bangladeshi also adding that all the Battalions of the Bangladesh Regiment be managed by Bangladeshi officers and also to withdraw the excess influx of Military in East Bengal over the last month.