৭ জুন, ১৯৭১

৭ জুন, ১৯৭১
To enhance the strength and aggression of the Military in Dhaka, Military Law No. 150 is issued. The Military sectors are reconstituted based on this law.

৭ জুন, ১৯৭১
June 7, 1971
- Pakistan forces ambush Muktibahini in Feni, camped at Vandura rail station on the bank of Seloneah River. They kept shooting mortar shells all day and even at night. In spite of this fierce attack, the freedom fighters held their grounds.
- Pakistan forces, on their way to attack Debhata Police Station camp in Satkhira, ambush 45 freedom fighters who took shelter in a house beside a playing field in Sripur. Freedom fighters Samsuddoha Kajol, Nazmul Abedin, Narayan Chandra Dhar, and Abul Kalam became martyrs in this conflict in their sleep. Pakistan forces retaliate against counter attack by the freedom fighters.
- To enhance the strength and aggression of the Military in Dhaka, Military Law No. 150 is issued. The Military sectors are reconstituted based on this law.