৩ জুন, ১৯৭১

৩ জুন, ১৯৭১
A 5-member representative team led by Khan Abdul Kaium Khan announces their decision to come to Dhaka with the aim to create anti-liberation war sentiments among the Bengalis and engage the anti-liberation war forces. The other members of this representative team are: Members of the National Assembly Mohammad Yousuf Khatok, Hanif Mohammod Khan, and Rafik Shah, Secretary of Sindh Muslim League A.A. Qureshi, and Joint Secretary of Karachi Muslim League Zia Abbas.

৩ জুন, ১৯৭১
June 3, 1971
- A 300 member force including policemen, stick fighters and Pakistan Army men arrive on boats through Kotalipara and Paisar Haat canal to attack Muktibahini’s Kotalipara camp in Gopalganj. They are caught in an ambush attack by the Hemayet Bahini from both sides of the canal on their way. Pakistan forces are dispersed in the attack, and 24 supporters of the Pakistan forces including stick fighters and policemen are held by the freedom fighters. On the other hand, Ibrahim, a mighty fighter in the Hemayet Bahini, became a martyr.
- Pakistan Army carry out carnage in Jhalakathi. Under orders from CI Shah Alam and OC Sekender, the barbarians shoot 11 men to death including Sudhir Dutta at the mass killing ground in front of the municipality office and threw the corpses in the river.
- Pakistan forces attack the freedom fighters led by Subeder Abdul Matin Patwari under the Lalbazar Sub-sector. Initially the Pakistan army manage to capture the camp in this attack. Later on, the freedom fighters countered from all sides. In this counter attack 28 members of the Pakistan army are killed and 20 are injured. Muktibahini regain control of the camp.
- A 5-member representative team led by Khan Abdul Kaium Khan announces their decision to come to Dhaka with the aim to create anti-liberation war sentiments among the Bengalis and engage the anti-liberation war forces. The other members of this representative team are: Members of the National Assembly Mohammad Yousuf Khatok, Hanif Mohammod Khan, and Rafik Shah, Secretary of Sindh Muslim League A.A. Qureshi, and Joint Secretary of Karachi Muslim League Zia Abbas.
- Martial Law Administrator Lt General Tikka Khan issues Military Order No 149 in Dhaka, which states that the teachers would be fired/sacked/ relieved of their duties and prosecuted in the Martial/Military Court if they do not join their duties within 15 days.