১৪ জুলাই, ১৯৭১

১৪ জুলাই, ১৯৭১
Bir Muktijoddha Mohammad Ali embraces martyrdom when he along with a guerilla team attacked a camp of Pakistan army in Barokhakta area of Kurigram.

১৪ জুলাই, ১৯৭১
July 14, 1971
- Aiming to resist Pakistan army attack at Belabo, freedom fighters led by Subedar Bashar set an ambush at a nearby place. On information given by some traitors, Pakistan army attack the freedom fighters by boats instead of launch and besiege them from the rear. Sipahi Mamataj Uddin, Sipahi Abdul Haque and Sipahi Abdus Salam sacrificed their lives. Finally, the freedom fighters had to retreat.
- Bir Muktijoddha Mohammad Ali embraces martyrdom when he along with a guerilla team attacked a camp of Pakistan army in Barokhakta area of Kurigram.
- Indian defense minister Gajajibon Ram tells the Loksava that it is clear that Bangladesh must be freed any day because of the bravery of Muktifouj.
- Indian Foreign Minister Sharan Shing tells that the colonial mask of Pakistan has been revealed through their barbarism on Bangladesh people. Those who are supplying arms to Pakistan are encouraging the repression on Bangali people.