৪ জুলাই, ১৯৭১

৪ জুলাই, ১৯৭১
Pakistan protests in parliament against Britain for campaigning in favor of Bangladesh, newspaper and BBC radio. In the protest latter, it terms the June 23 statement of British Foreign Minister Alekdoglas Hume as interference in Pakistan.

৪ জুলাই, ১৯৭১
July 4, 1971
- Captain Jafar Imam along with a platoon fighters ambush two companies of Pakistan army while temporarily take position at Shalda Bazar on the way to Belunia from Feni. 30 Pakistani army men killed and 20 injured in the attack.
- Freedom fighters attack a group of Pakistan army heading towards Doteshwar camp of freedom fighters. Pakistan army retreats in face of resistance. At least 30 Pakistani army men sustain injury while a freedom fighter embraces martyrdom.
- A team of Freedom fighters led by Major Nazmul Haque attack Pakistani a camp in Kanchan Bridge area of Dinajpur. The freedom fighters return to their camp without any casualty.
- Freedom fighters occupy the Pakistani camp at Amarkhana frontier, eight mile north off Panchagar of Dinajpur.
- A fierce fighting takes place between freedom fighters and Pakistan army at Gaddimari of Rangpur.
- Freedom fighters attack Lahir camp, 14 mile north-west off Thakurgaon with cannons and mortar.
- Pakistan protests in parliament against Britain for campaigning in favour of Bangladesh, newspaper and BBC radio. In the protest latter, it terms the June 23 statement of British Foreign Minister Alekdoglas Hume as interference in Pakistan.
- The military authority in Dhaka declares that Advocate Abdul Gaffar, National Council member from Satkhira surrenders to Pakistani army after returning from India. National Council member Obaildulla Majumdar stayed in Dhaka with his family.
- Iran State minister for home Z Hasan Zahedi vows to stay beside Pakistan to protect its unity.