১০ জুলাই, ১৯৭১

১০ জুলাই, ১৯৭১
A Canadian parliamentary delegation meets Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and discuss on Bangladesh and refugees affairs.

১০ জুলাই, ১৯৭১
July 10, 1971
- A team of freedom fighters led by Subedar Abdul Wahab ambush a speedboat of Pakistan army. Tow Lt Con, two Subedars, three constables and a foreign businessman are killed. Captain Bokhai, known as Jallad in Comilla, also killed. The freedom fighters also seize a map, a wireless set and some arms. Following the attack, Pakistan government declares a bounty of Tk 50,000 for recovering the bodies of Lok Subedar and Wahab.
- Pakistani army attack on the position of Muktibahini at Sagartala near Shalda river. At least 30 to 40 Pakistani soldiers inured when the freedom fighters retaliate with mortars and machineguns, forcing the Pakistan army to retreat their camp.
- A group of guerilla of Muktibahini hurls grenades at a patrolling team of Pakistan army at Dhanmondi-2 and kills five policemen including an officer.
- Freedom fighters led by Makai Chowdhury ambush Pakistan military in Madhail area of Naogaon, killing six Pakistan army men. Freedom fighters seize some arms.
- A Canadian parliamentary delegation meets Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and discuss on Bangladesh and refugees affairs.
- East Pakistan commander AMK Niazi visits Pakistan camps in Chittagong and Chittagong Hill Tracks. Army officers and local brokers assure Niazi that all the entry point of land and water ways is shut away for the miscreants. The miscreants were driven out from CHT.