২৩ অক্টোবর, ১৯৭১

২৩ অক্টোবর, ১৯৭১
Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, before departing to sit in discussion with some other countries, speaks to the people through the radio. She urges the people to exercise restraint, unity and discipline in face of the prevailing crisis.

২৩ অক্টোবর, ১৯৭১
- Muktibahini fighters ambush a platoon of Pakistan military in Betai sub-sector under sector 8. Two Pakistani soldiers are killed and three others injured. Muktibahini fighters returned to safety without harm.
- A team of freedom fighters attack Muhammadpur settlement of Pakistan military in Gojadanga sub-sector under sector 8 with mortar shells. Pakistan military sustained 10 casualties.
- A team of freedom fighters attack Razakars in Kalihati Tanar Charan. 39 Razakars and three militias are killed.
- A team of freedom fighters shell Kalirbazar settlement of Pakistan militia in Chouddagram under sector 2. Pakistan sustain 12 casualties.
- Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, before departing to sit in discussion with some other countries, speaks to the people through the radio. She urges the people to exercise restraint, unity and discipline in face of the prevailing crisis.
- People’s Party Chairman ZA Bhutto says in Karachi that he will withdraw his party’s candidacy in the East-Pakistan by-polls if the threats on his party continue.
- East Pakistan Labour, Social Welfare and Family Planning Minister ASM Solaiman tells PTI that workers had joined industries and are boosting production.