১ অক্টোবর, ১৯৭১

১ অক্টোবর, ১৯৭১
Cooperative society, fisheries and minority minister Awung Shu Pru told APP in an interview that India’s publicity regarding torture on minorities is completely false. The armed forces are ensuring their security.

১ অক্টোবর, ১৯৭১
- Freedom fighters of sector 8, subsector Gojadanga, launch a sudden attack on Pakistani soldiers in Bharukhali. Four Pakistani troopers killed. The freedom fighters came back to safety without casualty.
- Muktibahini launch a courageous drive against Pakistani soldiers in Puttichhara of Sylhet. Three Pakistani soldiers and another injured in the clash.
- Three groups of Pakistani military stationed in Mymensingh’s Bhaluka, Kashiganj and Trishal advance in Bainda and Baraid areas simultaneously. A team of freedom fighters of the Kachimuddin, Maneruddin and Hafizur Rahman group, led by company commander Quashem, intercept the Pakistan military after receiving this information. The gunfight took place for about 17 hours. 71 Pakistan troopers and Razakars are killed and many others are injured during this time.
- A guerilla team of 41 Muktibahini members head for Dhaka after completing training from Kosba. They are attack by patrolling Pakistan military near Shah bridge south of Kosba. Five Muktibahini members embrace martyrdom on the spot and three are injured. The fighters lost 15 rifles and five stenguns.
- Concerned by the rising guerilla activities in eastern Pakistan, British Foreign Minister Sir Alec Doughlas-Home says that undoubtedly the Pakistan-India situation has gained importance and added that he thought the situation would end soon.
- Razakar forces attack freedom fighters in Bogra’s Sukanpur Railway Station. Later, Pakistani military join the Razakars. 20 freedom fighters embrace martyrdom and 20 others are captured. The attackers also attack those who shelter the fighters. Several innocent civilian lives are lost.
- Jamaat leader AT Sadi talk with Pakistani students in Columbia University and urges them to be concerned about the separatists (freedom fighters) of East Pakistan.
- Cooperative society, fisheries and minority minister Awung Shu Pru told APP in an interview that India’s publicity regarding torture on minorities is completely false. The armed forces are ensuring their security.