১৫ অক্টোবর, ১৯৭১

১৫ অক্টোবর, ১৯৭১
A team of 100 freedom fighters, led by Captain Zia, attack Razakars in Morlganj in sector 11. Razakar forces sustain serious damage.

১৫ অক্টোবর, ১৯৭১
- A platoon of Muktibahini fighters ambush a Pakistan military group in Comilla south. 12 Pakistan military men are killed and three are injured.
- Freedom fighters, led by Captain Mustafizur Rahman, attack Pakistan military in Dhopakhali under sector 8. Seven military men are killed and several others injured. Freedom fighters Abdul Gafur, Nayek Shahid Ali and Captain Mustafizur Rahman are wounded.
- A team of 100 freedom fighters, led by Captain Zia, attack Razakars in Morlganj in sector 11. Razakar forces sustain serious damage.
- Freedom fighters, led by Captain Huda, ambush Pakistan military near Jhikargacha under sector 9. Thirty Pakistan soldiers are killed and their arms and ammunition taken by the freedom fighters.
- Air fighters of the Muktibahini bomb Pakistan military establishment in Mogalghat beyond the borders of Rangpur. They return unharmed.
- President Yahya and Iran’s Shah Reza Pahalvi sits in a meeting in Tehran.
- Governor Dr AM Malik says at a Sylhet rally that a quarter is engaged in destroying Pakistan confused by Indian sermons. He termed the freedom fighters enemy of the country. Some students joined the miscreants and polluted the educational institutions, he says. Communication system, production and the economy are gutted. Destroyers can never settle for welfare. They are looting from in hiding because they did not dare to face the military. These so-called freedom fighters are slaves of India.
- Lt Gen Niazi praises Razakars and the collaborators of the northeast frontiers of the country for their all out assistance to Pakistan military.