১৪ অক্টোবর, ১৯৭১

১৪ অক্টোবর, ১৯৭১
Indian Prime Minister, at a rally in Belgaon, says India would not wage war against Pakistan, however, her nation is prepared for any situation. She says the refugees would surely return to Bangladesh with security and honour. Any political solution to resolve the Bangladesh crisis would have to be acceptable to the Awami League, she says.

১৪ অক্টোবর, ১৯৭১
- A team of freedom fighters, led by Commander Nawzesh Uddin, engage Pakistan military in a fierce battle in Bhurungamari and Jaymonir Hat of Mymensingh. The freedom fighters capture a captain of the Pakistani artillery and eight kill of 25th battalion and take possession of huge arms and ammunition.
- Freedom fighters attack a platoon of Pakistan military in Bongaon sub-sector under sector 8. Three Pakistani military men are killed.
- A company of freedom fighters attack the Parshuram camp of Pakistani military in Feni with fire and mortar. 10 Pakistan military men are killed and 16 others are injured in the two-hour long gunfight.
- Indian Prime Minister, at a rally in Belgaon, says India would not wage war against Pakistan, however, her nation is prepared for any situation. She says the refugees would surely return to Bangladesh with security and honour. Any political solution to resolve the Bangladesh crisis would have to be acceptable to the Awami League, she says.
- Pakistan Jamaat-e-Islami acting chief Mia Tofail assures President Yahya that Jamaat activists would stand beside the Pakistan military in the face of any disaster or attack.
- A village under attack. A group of up to 250 Pakistan military, with help of peace committee, rounded up the entire village of Najirpur in Pabna and slaughter them or stab them with bayonets. 57 innocent civilians killed. The military men torch about 500 houses in the village.