১৮ আগস্ট , ১৯৭১

১৮ আগস্ট , ১৯৭১
Freedom fighters kill four Pakistan soldiers attacking three gunboats while crossing Shrankhola range on Bhola River. The Pakistan troops retreat after a long fight from dawn to till 4:00pm.

১৮ আগস্ট , ১৯৭১
August 18, 1971
- A guerilla team of Muktibahini kill 29 Pakistan solders and 5 Razakars ambushing their two boats at a place, 8 miles off Muragnagar while heading towards Homra in Comilla.
- Freedom fighters kill four Pakistan soldiers attacking three gunboats while crossing Shrankhola range on Bhola River. The Pakistan troops retreat after a long fight from dawn to till 4:00pm.
- 3 Pakistani troops are killed when a team of Muktibahini ambush a jeep near Jhalopara of Kadamtali in Sylhet.
- Six freedom fighters sacrifice their lives when Pakistan raiders attack their camp in Kulftepur of Naogaon. 12 more freedom fighters sustain injuries.