১ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১

১ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১
A government spokesperson in Rawalpindi says that judicial proceedings of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, chief of “extinct” Awami League, are not finished yet. The aggressive pressures mounted by the Pakistan Army at four war zones in East Pakistanare continued, he added.

১ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১
December 1, 1971
- Muktibahini attacks Pakistanarmy at Shamsernagar in Sylhet at the break of dawn. The rigorous assault forcesPakistan militia to retreat. Muktibahini declares Tengratila and Duarabazar areas independent. Their continuous operations forcethe army to retreat from other few parts of Sylhet – Gara, Alirgaon and Pirijpur.
- A government spokesperson in Rawalpindi says that judicial proceedings of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, chief of “extinct” Awami League, are not finished yet. The aggressive pressures mounted by the Pakistan Army at four war zones in East Pakistanare continued, he added.
- Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, at a speech in the higher council of the parliament, urges Yahya Khan, president of Pakistan, to withdraw soldiers from Bangladesh to restore peace in the subcontinent. Meanwhile, she also warns the people of Bangladesh and India to remain ready to accept any challenges in the future.
- A report from Jagroto Bangla, a newspaper, says five Pakistan army men died from snake biteduring a battle while they try to take shelter at a bunker in Kaliakoir of Gazipur.
- Freedom fighters kill two Muslim League supporters during an operation in Dhaka and wound two others.
- People’s Party office in Dhaka damaged in a bomb attack. The office was opened by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto months earlier, an AFP report says.
- As guerrilla activities increase, West Pakistani armed forces start killing and burning villages according to the junta order, a report of New York Times says. At least 87 guerrilla suspects, including women and children, killed at Jinjira in Dhaka.
- Pakistanmilitary attacks Rangamati Baptist Mission and kill Charles R Houser, a priest, and many Bengali monks.