৯ নভেম্বর, ১৯৭১

৯ নভেম্বর, ১৯৭১
2 companies of soldiers from Muktibahini’s 10th Bengal ambush on Pakistan Army base at Parshuram and Beluniya at half past eleven at night. Many Pakistan soldiers are killed and ample weapons and ammunitions are seized by the freedom fighters in this assault. After four hours of fight, Pakistan soldiers retreat and escape, leaving their base at Parshuram and Beluniya behind.

৯ নভেম্বর, ১৯৭১
- 2 companies of soldiers from Muktibahini’s 10th Bengal ambush on Pakistan Army base at Parshuram and Beluniya at half past eleven at night. Many Pakistan soldiers are killed and ample weapons and ammunitions are seized by the freedom fighters in this assault. After four hours of fight, Pakistan soldiers retreat and escape, leaving their base at Parshuram and Beluniya behind.
- In Sector 2, Muktibahini get engaged in a severe conflict with around 600 Pakistan soldiers at a place called Kopitola. Many Pakistan soldiers are severely injured in this battle that lasts for around 6 hours.
- Muktibahini attack Kamargaon Pakistan Army base in Sylhet. 10 Pakistan soldiers are killed in this assault. Freedom fighters return to their base safely after the operation.
- In Mymensingh, Muktibahini ambush on a patrol team of Pakistan Army at Shyamganj- Shambhuganj area. 7 Pakistan soldiers are killed and 5 are injured in this ambush.